Sunday, July 22, 2007

Check this out

Hello friends! I know, I seem to be a monthly blogger. July has been a blast-we've done lots of traveling and can't believe the summer is almost over. We start back August 1!!! Drew celebrated his birthday-pirate style. We had a treasure hunt, swords, eyepatches-the works! Reese is growing like a weed-she hates being alone and loves dropping things just so she can say "UH_OH!" Here are some recents pictures: The pirate party, Reese playing with balls-her favorite, and one of my most fabulous friend's-April and I. Lots of people think we're sisters!

This is what I hope you'll all check out....go to It's a website about Brittney (Barber) Cornwell and Tim's little 3 1/2 year old son. He is precious and has had his share of medical problems. They are basically packing up the family and moving to Tampa so Cooper can attend an intense school to help him overcome his autism. They definately need your prayers as they are having to trust God during this time. Go to the site to read more...

Have a blessed day!


Courtney said...

You guys do look a lot alike! I am SO glad you are posting again, I mean what else can you possibly have to do! Ha! I didn't know that about Brittney's little boy. I will check out the website and keep them in my prayers. Glad you are doing well. Post some pics of the house...

Angie said...

You and April definitely look alike!